Thursday 7 February 2013

Winter Blahs

I am so done with winter.

Usually February comes around and I'm excited. It's a short month, March is right around the corner, and sure we always get snow in March but we always get melting too and after that it's all downhill from there.

I don't know what it is about this February, but I am done. I feel not-good. Not sick, but not thriving. I've had a mild headache all week. I'm freezing all the time, and if I'm not cold I'm tired. Often, I'm both. I don't feel like eating. I mean, I never really feel like eating, but it's worse than normal. I don't know if it's because this is the first winter in awhile I've been stuck taking public transit, if it's winter cabin fever (even though it's brighter longer, I find myself craving sunlight), if it's my regular eating/energy issues piled with a side of an arse of a boss who's been worse than usual lately, or a combination of all of those things but I am blaming winter.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting on my ass about this. I need to feel better in my body. The meal plan this coming week is for some dinners and work lunches that I actually enjoy rather than just eat, I want to try a new method of cooking salmon (which I used to love, but which has been downgraded to simply 'enjoy' of late), and I'm going to do my damndest to move my body this weekend.

But while I had a wonderful Imbolc with wonderful women who I am excited to be working and practicing with this year... I'm ready for it to be Ostara already.

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